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Community Guidelines

Last updated: October 7, 2024

The Short

We want Superfan to be a safe, authentic place where music fans and artists connect, share, and engage. Help us foster this community by posting only your own content, respecting all users, and refraining from spam, hate speech, or posting inappropriate content.

The Long

Superfan reflects a vibrant community of music enthusiasts, artists, and creators from diverse cultures, ages, and beliefs. To protect and grow this community, we've established these Community Guidelines. By using Superfan, you agree to these guidelines and our Terms of Use. Violating these guidelines may lead to content removal, account restrictions, or other actions.

In some cases, content that might typically violate our guidelines may be allowed for public awareness if it's deemed newsworthy or of significant public interest. We carefully balance the value of such content against the risk of harm.

Authenticity & Ownership

  • Share only content you have the right to share. Post only content that you've created or have permission to share. You own the rights to your content, but it must be original or properly credited. Unauthorized reposting of content you do not own, including images, music, or videos, is prohibited.

Content Appropriateness

  • Share content suitable for all audiences. Superfan is a space for music and creativity, but we strive to keep it appropriate for everyone. We do not allow nudity, sexually explicit content, or content that promotes violence, harassment, or hate. Content including nudity or explicit imagery, including close-ups of fully nude body parts or sexual acts, is not allowed. However, artistic representations, such as paintings or sculptures, may be permitted if they align with these guidelines.

Engagement & Interactions

  • Foster meaningful connections. Help us keep Superfan genuine and spam-free. Do not use bots or services to artificially inflate likes, followers, or engagement. Refrain from posting repetitive comments, content, or contacting people for commercial purposes without consent. Avoid incentivizing engagement (e.g., "likes for money") and refrain from sharing fake or misleading reviews.

  • Be real, but responsible. While using your real name is not required, providing accurate and up-to-date information is. Do not impersonate others or create accounts to deceive, mislead, or violate these guidelines.

Respect & Safety

  • Follow the law. Superfan is not a place to praise, support, or promote hate groups, terrorism, or organized crime. Do not post content involving illegal activities, such as the buying or selling of drugs, firearms, or other regulated goods. Zero tolerance is in place for content depicting sexual activity involving minors, or any form of exploitation or harassment.

  • Respect all community members. Harassment, hate speech, and credible threats are not tolerated on Superfan. Refrain from targeting individuals with the intention to degrade, shame, or bully. We allow more open discussions about public figures or artists, but that does not permit targeted harassment or spreading misinformation.

Sensitive Topics & Mental Health

  • Foster a supportive environment. We understand that music can be a source of support and healing. However, content promoting self-harm, suicide, or any form of injury is not allowed. If you or someone you know is struggling, please seek support from appropriate resources.

Content That May Disturb

  • Be mindful when sharing newsworthy events. While Superfan supports the sharing of newsworthy and important events, avoid posting content that is overly graphic or violent. Content aimed at condemning, raising awareness, or educating others is generally allowed, but it must be shared responsibly, with appropriate content warnings.

Help Us Keep the Community Strong

We are all part of the Superfan community. If you see content that you believe violates these guidelines, please report it using the built-in tools. Our team will review these reports and take necessary actions to maintain the integrity of the platform. You can also block or mute users to control your own experience.

Resolving Disputes

Many misunderstandings can be resolved within the community. If someone posts your content without permission, consider reaching out directly before escalating. However, if necessary, you can submit a copyright or trademark report. Avoid public disputes that can lead to harassment or conflict.

Thank you for helping to make Superfan a positive, welcoming space for all music fans and artists.

The Superfan Team


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